My New Earth work is actually on It's a text messaging book club. In case you came here from the Oprah website and were wondering where it all is. I'll bring my New Earth Work over here because, I guess this is where it's meant to be. Welcome to Jippyjabber! PS I am auntjippy on the Oprah message boards.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I was just looking for some compassion mean while Zach took a nap and woke up friendly again.


Miriam said...

Very well made video- thanks for showing it to us. The director Tim Burton (Edward Scissorhands, the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mars Attacks, etc.) is said to have Aspergers. Seems like it would also be hard to diagnose.

Glad to hear Z woke up feeling a bit better.

Anonymous said...

my Mum said that the kid in the vid in the male version of me. I heart Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends!

LoLo said...

Yay for compassion and naps!

Oh and...
I wrote something. I wrote something. I wrote something.