My New Earth work is actually on It's a text messaging book club. In case you came here from the Oprah website and were wondering where it all is. I'll bring my New Earth Work over here because, I guess this is where it's meant to be. Welcome to Jippyjabber! PS I am auntjippy on the Oprah message boards.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Last one on the shelf.....

Last one on the shelf.....
Originally uploaded by jippyjabber.

You might know Robert Gregory Browne as my "blog crush" ( imagine link to blog crush post) Of course I ordered his book from Amazon the first week it was released.......after some drama at my local Borders.
Why didn't I read Rob's book? This is getto Jippy stuff here....I used his book as payment for my nephews friend who came to my place and did some work on some bookshelves that are taken over by zach's toys.
I had a bag of books for his mom and sister and he kept eyeing Rob's book and making comments like, " I like to read too" So let him have it, I could not hold back after he played cars with Zach and told Zach, hey! you have to put the car 'Ramone 'in front because that's my name too.

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