My New Earth work is actually on It's a text messaging book club. In case you came here from the Oprah website and were wondering where it all is. I'll bring my New Earth Work over here because, I guess this is where it's meant to be. Welcome to Jippyjabber! PS I am auntjippy on the Oprah message boards.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

They call me Jippy, I can't make them stop. I blame it on the "rabbit terd." When Juan and Jose pitched the bails of marijuana into the Atlantic Ocean with the coast gaurd closing in. They turned the Irish twins into a pair of power tripping pot horders. Looking for their shit, Juan finds nobody home but a couple of twelve year olds doing laundry. Finally the busty one opens the dryer and pulls out a handful of round balls and tells him to put it in his pipe and smoke it. So I am Jippy originally Jippy Pit Roll......


LoLo said...

Ah-ha! That's where the name came from:) You have so many, many stories. I can't wait to read all of them!

Jennifer said...

You know the movie Crash? He was car jacked and it inspired the story......that's kind of what this is like......mixed in with a little James Fry. It's not the truth. I never met the drug dealers......LOL