My New Earth work is actually on It's a text messaging book club. In case you came here from the Oprah website and were wondering where it all is. I'll bring my New Earth Work over here because, I guess this is where it's meant to be. Welcome to Jippyjabber! PS I am auntjippy on the Oprah message boards.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


FOR ZACHARY I WOULD...........Zachary, I will be everything I can be for you baby

I would become a man
to father you
more than any mother ever has
I will father you
in the park
I will father you
at the zoo
I will father you
in the shadows
ward off nightmares
kill bugs
teach you to shave
I will father you
as deeply into your wounds as I can
to slay dragons there
my arms are stronger than a sailors
when they are around you
I father you
I love you


Anonymous said...

That makes my heart hurt, Jen.

Anonymous said...

awesome poem. i gave my Dad a shirt that says "Bank of Dad--Closed". LOL

Bacchus said...

Happy Father's Day to a slayer of dragons. No father could do better.

HAR said...

It is beautiful. Only a single mom could understand how deeply we all feel these words. Do you mind if I copy it for my girls?

Jennifer said...

Thanks everyone...... and copy away har! I think I'll have to remember you bacchus on mothers day!

Christina, I bet your dad loved that one! I hope he doens't wear it too often!