My New Earth work is actually on It's a text messaging book club. In case you came here from the Oprah website and were wondering where it all is. I'll bring my New Earth Work over here because, I guess this is where it's meant to be. Welcome to Jippyjabber! PS I am auntjippy on the Oprah message boards.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Originally uploaded by jippyjabber.

The Bad Santa showed up. He came from "Where the Getto Meets the Sea" His Mustgang GT was smoking when he arrived.
He got to South Pas in 14 mins from Pedro doing 15o..... Nice....and dangerous. Yet what was he listening too?? I swear it's classical. I used to go pick him up and turn on classical music and hit the tunnels. I mean you'll have to experience this come up the 110 and head towards Pasadena. You need to do it in a 5.0 with a motified intake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you like ponies, aye?

Merry Christmas, you.