Originally uploaded by jippyjabber.
That's a Cat Nap
I know he wants a dog but nothing beats a Cat Nap! These two can be in an all out war and then when they call it quits they snuggle up like best buds. The cat just attacks Zach's weak leg. The more he limps the more the cat gets after him. Then when Zach gets bored he's after the cat. Zach has had a fish and named it Joe fish. Zach has had a bird and named it Joe bird.
Zach has had a hampster and named it Joe hampster. So, I assumed he'd name the cat Joe. He didn't. He picked out the ugliest kitten picked it up and kissed it and called it Mon Cheri..... He grew up to be a pretty good looking cat.
If I say Come on Mon! He comes...... I don't know much about cats. My grandmother raised us as cat haters. My little sister got scratched badly. So I am constantly surprised by this animal. I swear he knows I am writing about him right now. One day we'll get our dog but for now...... were happy with cat naps.
Cats are a lot more like dogs than people think. They will come when you call, walk on a leash, and do tricks. You just have to think like a cat to train a cat.
Nice blog
Max, It might be too late, my cat thinks like a human and has me trained! Although, he does wink and blink at me.....never when anyone is around.......tricky little cat!
The winking and blinking is kittenese for "love". I read that somewhere...
Try initiating that by looking right in his eyes and blinking slow when he's relaxed. Betcha he responds.
Allergies seriously suck- cats are great characterful pets.
I love that picture. As I lay here typing with my cat curled in my arms I still remember the day I got her. I was excited but really felt like I was settling for second best since I couldn't have a dog. Now 14 years later I can't imagine my life without her and that no dog could ever be this great.
I've learned that dogs love you because of breeding, if a cat loves you it is because they think you're worth it. Seems like your cat has decided.
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